A club for orienteerists of all ages, with the greatest opportunities for youth, juniors and elite orienteerists.
IK Auseklis
About the club
RBJC IK Auseklis” in cooperation with the Sports and Recreation Association “Magnēts” organizes the folk orienteering competition “Magnēts”, which takes place 3 times in the summer season on weekday afternoons and 2 times during the winter season on weekends.
Members of the club are both adults and young people. Trainings, training camps are held. We participate in the Latvian Cup, and every year we go to several competitions abroad.
Everyday in Auseklis
Every year the club participates in the world's largest orienteering relays “Jukola”, and at least once a year there is a collective club trip to some foreign orienteering multi-day competition.
Trainings all year round
Trainings during the winter period for all members of the club are organized in different locations of Riga.
The strongest, most promising landmarks are also offered training opportunities at Riga Sports Hall, as well as participation in foreign competitions and camps.