Winter Magnēts 2023/2024
Reglament in the “Winter Magnēts”
Starts at Winter Magnet from 11.30 to 14.30. Finish by 16.00. In case of confusion, turn to the judges. The participant purchases a card. Maps will be drawn at separate distances. If necessary, rent a SportIdent card. The organizers will issue a printout of your score at the finish after reading the SportIdent card. Be polite to yourself, your competitors, organizers, do not provoke conflicts with the owners of the territories! Participants are responsible for their own state of health.
Groups of participants
W12, M12 — born 2011 and younger
W14, M14 — born 2009 and younger
W16, M16 — born 2007 and younger
WA, MA and WB, MB — open groups
W40, M40 — born and parents 1983
W50, M50 — born and parents 1973
W60, M60 — born and parents 1963
W70, M70 — born and parents 1953
1. distance — about 3 km, 2. distance — about 4.5 km, 3. distance — about 6.5 km, 4. distance — 7 and more km. School distance 1-2 km.
Participants can choose the distance according to their preparation and well-being.
In individual rounds, participants are free to change distances.
- The overall points are calculated by summing the points scored in the individual rounds. In “Winter Magnet”, points are obtained by dividing the group winner's score by the participant's score and multiplying by 1000 and multiplying by a factor from the relevant coefficient table;
- “Winter Magnet” scores the points of the top 20 rounds
- if several participants have the same number of points in the overall standings, then the next rounds after the qualifying rounds are scored.
- The winners of the “Winter Magnet” standings will be awarded in the final round of “Winter Magnet” on March 31, 2024.
- Only participants with at least the number of qualifying rounds in the overall standings shall be rewarded in the overall standings.
Calculation of the overall rating in the winter MAGNET 2023-2024
The overall score is calculated by summing the 20 highest points scored in the individual rounds. Points are scored by the result of the group winner in the respective distance
dividing by the participant's result and multiplying by the coefficient from the coefficient table.
Participation fee
For young people — 3€ per round; seniors (from 1958) — 5€ per round; for other groups — 7€ per round;
SportIdent card rental — 1€ for 1 round;
if there is no summer 2022 “Magnet” number, for registration and number — 1.5€.
The room is valid until the summer “Magnet” of the next 2024 season!
For the convenience of participants
In the center of Winter Magnet there will be a cafe, you will be able to rent a compass, buy and order orienteering sports goods.
Other rules
- when making a distance, it is strictly forbidden to cross plantings, plantations and gardens, i.e. to conflict with landowners;
- Participants themselves are responsible for their state of health! ;
- park cars only in the places indicated by the organizers of the race, follow the directions of movement of the car!
- By applying, participants confirm that they do not object to the use of photographs and video materials taken during the orienteering series “Winter Magnet” for any marketing and advertising activities of the orienteering sports series “Winter Magnet”, nor do they object to the publication of their personal data (name, surname) in the list of participants and results.
- The Organizer ensures the requirements of the Personal Data Protection Act.
Organizer of “Winter Magnet”
Society Sports and Recreation Association “Magnet”, BJC IK Auseklis