Jūrmalas Rogainings 2024
Sestdiena. Sacensību centrs Jūrmalas rogainingam pie Jaundubultu vidusskolas. Ierodieties laicīgi, lai atrastu vietu savam autotransportam. Starts plkst.11:00. Karšu izsniegšana rogaininga distances plānošanai 10:00. Kartes mērogs 1:18 000. Karte būs divdaļīga, ar pārklājumu. Bērnu pārgājienam starts aptuveni 11:15. NB! Ievērojiet ceļu satiksmes noteikumus!
What is roganing?
Rogaining is a team orienteering sport on the terrain over a particularly long distance. The team, consisting of 2-5 participants, visits the checkpoints (KP) in a selective order at a certain time. The task of the team is to freely navigate the terrain with the help of a map and compasses to obtain as many checkpoints as possible, which are awarded for visiting the CP. KP is the values of different setpoints. Teams that are divided into several groups by age and gender are scored by the sum of points scored. Classic championships take place in an area where open areas alternate with mountainous forests. Their control time is usually 24 hours. However, shorter control time competition formats are also possible.
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